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Seychelles is an archipelago of islands in the Indian Ocean, located near the islands of Mauritius, Madagascar, Comoros and Reunion. More than three-quarters of the population lives on the main island of Mahe, with much lower numbers living on Praslin, La Digue and the outer islands. Challenges facing families and communities in the Seychelles include HIV/AIDS, a rising crime rate, teenage pregnancy, gender violence including rape and incest, child abuse, and drug and alcohol abuse.

Mother’s Union began in the Seychelles in 1951. Although Mothers' Union membership there is relatively small, this does not mean that they are not active. Mothers' Union members are involved on a national level in addressing the above issues through counselling and awareness programmes, and drug and alcohol prevention work. Other Mothers’ Union projects and activities include:

  • Prison ministry
  • Marriage preparation
  • Baptism and Confirmation preparation
  • Sunday School
  • Hospital visitation
  • Campaigning against child abuse