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Mothers' Union Clougher vigil

Clogher Diocese News January 2019

A very special day for Mothers’ Union in Magheracross Parish, Ballinamallard.

On Sunday 20th January four new members were enrolled and 15 members received long service certificates.

01 Feb 2019

Archdeacon Brian Harper and Heather Harper led the service with Mrs Irene Boyd, Diocesan President, as the guest speaker. Mrs Boyd outlined the work of Mothers’ Union and especially thanked Magheracross branch for all their hard work and contributions. She then spoke about Jesus feeding the five thousand which was the scripture reading read by Liane Armstrong. Mrs Boyd requested everyone to take up the challenge to reach out to others with the gifts and resources they have, which when used in faith, can do wonderful things.

Archdeacon Harper and Norma Scott, Branch Leader, enrolled four new members, Doris Byers, Gloria Graham, Jenny McCrea and Kate Outram. The Diocesan President then handed out long service certificates for 40 years service to: Iris Crawford, Iris Elliott, Katie Gregg (unable to be there), Muriel Johnston, Nora Robinson and Rita Stewart. Certificates for 50 years of service were presented to: Ada Gilmore (unable to be there), Muriel Gilmore, Joyce Kerr and Olive Nixon. A Certificate for 60 years of service was presented to Eva Taylor, for 63 years to Lily Robinson and for 66 years to Noreen Elliott, who was unable to be there. Two Founder Members of Magheracross MU, Gloria Gilmore and Pearl Knox both received certificates for 67 years of service to Mothers’ Union.

Header photo left: Back form left: Olive Nixon, Muriel Johnston, Nora Robinson, Iris Elliott, Norma Scott, (Branch Leader), Muriel Gilmore , Rita Stewart, Joyce Kerr, Archdeacon Brian Harper. Front, from left: Pearl Knox, (Founder Member), Eva Taylor, Irene Boyd, (Diocesan President), Gloria Gilmore, (Founder Member), Lily Robinson, and Iris Crawford. (Missing from the photo - Katie Gregg, Ada Gilmore & Noreen Elliott)

Header photo right: New Members from left: Jenny McCrea, Kate Outram, Irene Boyd, Gloria Graham, & Doris Byers. Back Row: Archdeacon Brian Harper & Norma Scott, Branch Leader.

Photo below: Pearl Knox and Gloria Gilmore, Founder Members with Irene Boyd and Norma Scott.