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Annual Gathering 2023
All you need to know about the Annual Gathering event
We are really looking forward to being together again for the Mothers’ Union Annual Gathering 2023 at York Barbican, in the wonderful city of York on 22nd September 2023. It is a one day event, so why not get a group of you to travel there and back together. There will not be another gathering until 2026* - so don't miss out!
The programme builds on our triennial theme where we have moved from Transformation – Now! to Transformation in Action. Find out about how Mothers' Union is moving forward together in faith and love.
Enjoy a keynote address on global MU from Sheran Harper, our Worldwide President, a midday service, and afternoon session on Supporting our Clergy led by Bishop Emma, our Central Chaplain, an interactive and fun session with members and inspiring stories from here and overseas. Evensong at York Minster with the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell follows.
Where would the Anglican Communion be without the Mothers’ Union? At home and across the world the Mothers’ Union offers the love and hope of Christ, helping to transform communities through teaching, prayer and pastoral care and by working with others to stop violence, injustice and hunger. I’m looking forward to being part of the Annual Gathering this year when I’ll be preaching at a special Evensong in York Minster”
Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York
ONE DAY - Friday 22nd September:
11am – 3.45 pm: Annual Gathering, York Barbican (doors open from 10.15am)
5.30pm - 7pm: Evensong, at York Minster (Evensong is open to the public, so you are encouraged to get there by 5pm. A prayer will be dedicated to the Mothers' Union and the Archbishop of York will preach to the congregation)
Ticket sales close on 8th September 2023.
Please download this Event Pack for helpful information to read before the gathering and to print off and bring with you.