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Frequently asked questions

Hopefully this page will be able to answer all of your questions about leaving a gift in your will to Mothers’ Union. Should you have any more questions please download our Legacy Pack or contact us.

Why do I need to make a will?

Wills are the only way to ensure that your hard-earned belongings go to the people you love or the causes you care about. Even if you don’t have much to leave it is still worth making a Will. When you consider your home and items of sentimental value you may realise you have more to leave than you expected!

What is the best wording to leave a gift to Mothers’ Union?

I give, free of inheritance tax and all other fiscal impositions,

  • the sum of £______ OR
  • all of the residue of my estate OR
  • a ______% share of the residue of my estate*

*absolutely to Mothers’ Union, Mary Sumner House, 24 Tufton Street, London, SW1P 3RB, Registered Charity No. 240531, for its general purposes, and I direct that the receipt(s) of the Director of Finance or other duly authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.

I already have a will. Is it difficult to change?

No, but we do advise that you contact your solicitor to draft a fresh Will to avoid any errors. You can also amend your Will for free with Mothers’ Union.

How will a gift to Mothers’ Union affect my tax position? 

Depending on the value of your estate, you are liable to pay inheritance tax on anything you leave to family and friends. However gifts to charity are deducted before inheritance tax is calculated. Therefore a gift to Mothers’ Union could help reduce the amount of tax paid. Taxation laws can change so please consult a solicitor.

Can my gift benefit a specific area of Mothers’ Union’s work?

Most people give to Mothers’ Union’s General Fund to ensure the money is used where it is most needed. However we are happy to discuss the possibility of leaving your gift to a specific area of work. Bear in mind however that our work changes over time so it is best to keep any instruction as open as possible to avoid making your gift unusable. 

Can I leave a gift to a branch?

Branches are not charities in their own right. So if you would like to leave a gift to a branch you should put the details of the diocese (which is the registered charity), stating that it is to benefit work in which the branch is involved. As branches can close or merge, please use wording that allows the diocese to use the money for other similar purposes should it become necessary. Please avoid leaving money to benefit branch members, as it can be construed as being to benefit individuals and therefore not for charitable purposes.

Can I leave a gift to a diocese?

Yes but it is worth contacting the diocese to ensure your gift can be put to good use. To find out more please contact the diocese before writing your Will.

Can I trust Mothers’ Union to look after my money?

We will make sure to be good stewards of your money, spending it wisely and efficiently, according to your wishes.

Isn’t this a private matter to me?

Absolutely. You are under no obligation to tell us of your intentions but doing so will enable us to thank you and plan better for the future. 

What if I change my mind?

You are able to change your Will at any time. We recommend you consult your solicitor to make sure any changes are legally binding.

*A share of your estate is very valuable as it usually maintains value or increases over time. Should you wish to leave a percentage of your estate to Mothers’ Union we suggest you consult your solicitor to ensure the correct wording is used and avoid the possibility of the residuary gift being held invalid.