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Happy New Year from Bev Jullien
A very Happy New Year to everyone, on behalf of all staff and Trustees of Mothers’ Union!
2022 was a tough year for everyone, with the pandemic, fuel and economic crisis and continuing impact of climate change, as well as conflict in so many parts of the world. What inspired me throughout was the resilience shown by so many, and the continuing focus of our members, whatever challenges they have been facing themselves, to support those in their communities in greatest need.
Especially during Advent, we heard so many stories of help provided by members - for instance, to foodbanks, practical gifts for those in hospitals, love and care for prisoners and their families and those in refuges – to name just a few. For each and every act of kindness, however small – thank you!
As we look to the start of this fresh year, 2023, whilst challenges remain, there is so much which gives me hope!
- We look forward to sharing stories throughout the year of the difference that MU members make within their own communities. For example, we will share a report of the work of MU in some of the poorest communities in Burundi. Over 20 years, through supporting training in literacy and building savings and credit groups, long-term transformation has been achieved for individuals, their families and whole communities
- We are excited to be continuing and developing our partnerships with the National Churches and Women’s Aid, to continue to raise awareness of, and bring an end to, the scourge of domestic abuse
- We are uplifted by the number of branches and groups who are starting to use “Metamorphosis bite-size” to engage more widely within parishes, understand the areas of greatest need locally and respond, often in partnership with others
- As we continue to weather the economic storm, we will be looking freshly at how best our home, Mary Sumner House, can be made to generate maximum resources to support the work of members – and we will also be seeking to work closely with members to increase our raising of funds for the movement, so that, together, we can make a difference for more people
As we begin the countdown to our 150th anniversary in 2026, and with the coronation of the new King of the United Kingdom in May, there was never a better time to really move forward in our journey of Transformation – Now!
Lord, who makes all things new,
we thank you for this New Year.
To make a fresh start in our lives,
trusting in your presence through all
W E Orchard, 1877-1955