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Mothers' Union Worldwide President celebrates 70th anniversary of the organisation in Burundi

This week Worldwide President, Lynne Tembey, is celebrating  the 70th anniversary of Mothers’ Union in Burundi.

17 Aug 2018

On Sunday 12th August she and Bishops from across the country led several thousand members from the nine Diocese of the Province of the Anglican Church of Burundi in worship at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Bujumbura. 

During the ceremonies a guest, Jane from Southwell & Nottingham diocese was enrolled as a member of Mothers' Union. She said it was seeing MU Burundi in action over the last week that made her want to be part of the MU global family. A number of members received certificates of commendation and scarves for their integrity and service to Mothers' Union. Each diocese received a wooden cross from the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham Mothers’ Unions to mark the occasion. At the end of the ceremonies there was a breaking of the ground where a Mothers’ Union centre will be built in the future.

Worldwide President Lynne said "I have been incredibly blessed to have had an opportunity to walk alongside fellow members as they celebrated 70 years of faithful,  dedicated membership of our amazing, life changing organisation. Over the years members in Burundi have faced so many challenges due to the conflict in so many parts of the country, a conflict in which so many people lost family members. The love and joy I witnessed was infectious. The care I received from His Grace, Archbishop Martin, his fellow Bishops, Clergy and especially the membership humbled me greatly.
I thank you for your prayerful support and the membership of Burundi for the stories they shared".