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“From a Little Seed” - National Month of Prayer for Toddler Groups

Mothers’ Union are very proudly part of the 1277 network and we are pleased to support, once again the national month of prayer for toddler group ministries will take place in June 2019.

05 Apr 2019

This year’s theme for the month of pryaer is ‘From a little seed’ with Matthew 13:31-32 and the parable of the mustard seed being used as the keynote scripture. We encourage our members, churches and all those involved in the children’s ministry to pray for the work of their toddler groups as they reach out to serve the needs of families in the local community. 

“From a tiny seed, a tree grew so large that all the birds of the air could make their nests in it. Toddler groups continue to be the hidden treasure of church life. In the month of prayer, let’s pray that they will be places where children, parents and carers can find a welcome, encounter the love of God and find a place to ‘make their nests". 

Mary Hawes, National Children & Youth Adviser, Church of England 

Throughout the month, various activities are planned: 

  • Seeds will be planted and nests made - reminding people of the parable
  • Local prayer networks will meet together to share the joys and challenges of their groups and pray
  • Some churches are devoting a whole service to the celebration of the ministry and outreach of their toddler group.

Raising the profile of this vital ministry is so important and so we encourage toddler groups up and down the country to look forward to this annual event. 

Mother's Union encourage our members throughout June to pray for the following:

  • For all leaders and helpers and our members who volunteer their time to run toddler groups. We thank them for all that they do and hope that they continue to find joy and encouragement from the vital resource they are providing.
  • For all children and their parents and guardians who attend toddler groups. May they find fellowship and support through attending and meeting with their peers. 
  • That these groups, so often born from a small seed of vision, become ever studier branches of even mightier trees, where whole families feel welcomed and loved and can flourish as they grow.
  • For the work of Mothers' Union's toddler groups and parenting programme both in the UK and overseas

  Resources for the month of prayer can be found on the 1277 website