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Church and Community Mobilisation

CCM is the approach that Mothers’ Union is adopting in countries to help communities break free from dependency and self-solve issues such as poverty – either financial or educational

CCM is a transformational, community-based process which uses facilitator-led Bible studies to work with church groups encouraging them to kick-start economic, social and physical transformation within their communities. Mothers’ Union is uniquely positioned in that we are able to equip our members to facilitate, within their church and communities, lasting change.  

It is compiled of a series of Bible studies and workshops which encourages participants to identify the skills, experiences and gifts within the Church that can be used to help others.  Mobilised and enthused church groups act as catalysts for change in their own communities, using the word of God and his promises of provision and prosperity to inspire their communities to a realisation that God has already made provision for them. It is proving highly successful as a way to enable communities to take control of their futures, and use the resources God has given them to create a sustainable and flourishing future for themselves.

These groups are then agents for change in the communities in which they live, working with their neighbours to address their own needs in their own way. This empowers them to acknowledge the skills and resources they already have within them and around them in their environment to the benefit of themselves, their families and their wider community.