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AFIA Holiday 2020- Winchester update
Plans are well underway for this years' AFIA Holiday 2020 in the Winchester Diocese.
Many thanks for all your prayers, fundraising, and support this far. Things are slowly coming together. Here’s a little update.
Where we are now
Contacts have been made with several families throughout the Diocese offering the possibility of a holidayand we are awaiting their returned application forms. A chaplain has been found for the holidayand we are continuing to fundraise. We have a team meeting booked for the end of February to firm up the team, and to begin the practical planning for this year’s holiday.
What we still need:
- Your continuing prayers for the holiday, our finances, the team, and all the families who will come.
- Toiletries for men, and for teenage boys (unused & unopened).
- Outdoor play items –anything from skipping ropes and hoops, to toddlers’ ride-on vehicles. We’d also love a Swingball for the older children.
- Yet more fundraising.Please contact me on if you can help.We would like to express our thanks to all the branches and members, who support the holiday in so many ways.
Written by Jane Chick