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Banana Boxes to Malawi
Glasgow and Galloway continue to support maternity services in Malawi.
We have just delivered 10 boxes of New Baby Parcels to our partner charity The Banana Box Trust, in Dundee who will deliver them to two hospitals in Malawi.
Each parcel contains a blanket, cardigan, hat , mittens and a teddy bear, all usually knitted or crocheted. These parcels encourage women to attend ante natal care and to give birth in hospital which is a safer option than their villages.
During our delivery of bonding squares and octopuses to Crosshouse Maternity Unit in Ayrshire we were offered many items of knitting which they had which they couldn't use but were ideal for Malawi. This enabled us to send parcels to two hospitals instead of just the one. Please pray for the safe delivery of these items as they travel by road and sea across many countries.