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Mothers’ Union now an official partner in Prisons Week
"He sets his people free. He made his agreement everlasting. He is holy and wonderful." Psalm 111:9
Mothers’ Union will be an official partner in Prisons Week - a dedicated week of prayer
Taking place 13th – 19th October 2019, Mothers' Union and other Christian organisations working for the needs of all those affected by prisons will join together to encourage churches and individuals to pray.
The week is dedicated to thinking of and praying for prisoners and their families, victims of crime and their communities, those working in the criminal justice system and the many people who are involved in caring for those affected by crime on the inside and outside of our prisons. Mothers' Union are delighter to become an official partner of Prisons Week, offering our members a fantastic opportunity to share more about how they contribute to this important work and for us all to join our prayers with Christians around the country.
Members will be able to collect Prison Week leaflets at the Mothers’ Union General Meeting in September but at any time if you’d like to order leaflets to distribute in your branch or church these will be available from Mary Sumner House from July onwards. For more information please see the Prisons Week website