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Prayers for September - Winchester Diocese

Prayers for September

25 Aug 2020

We are still not able to meet at the Cathedral for Monthly Prayers,  monthly prayers for September which will be available on our Facebook page from Wednesday 2nd September.

God of all, through all time and in all places, in each circumstance and season,
You call us together and welcome us with open arms as your beloved children.
Each one of us is precious to you and called by you.
In this time of great change and uncertainty,
you are unchanging and ever faithful.
Through this time together,
let us feel you speaking to us,
leading us, teaching us,
Filling us with your spirit
and strengthening us for the journey ahead.

Lord we bring before you our prayers for our Mothers’ Union Diocesan family and the members of the Mothers’ Union Worldwide.
Lord we thank you for the exuberance of young people.
Help us to guide and encourage them, allowing them freedom to explore while providing care and support to keep them safe.  
We pray for our schools, for teachers and the staff who work in them; may they be places of discovery, adventure and learning where children feel accepted and secure.
We also pray for those young people who have to take responsibilities beyond their years; may they receive the help they need to cope with their circumstances and still experience a good quality of life.    
Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

With all best wishes

Sue Murphy

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