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Located in West Africa, Ghana borders Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire and Togo, with a coastline in the Gulf of Guinea. 

Most of the population is concentrated in the southern half of the country, with the highest concentrations being on or near the coast. 

Known for its lush forests, and miles of sandy beaches along a picturesque coast, Ghana has a growing tourism industry. Ghana is also well known for its track history of stability and democracy, something which has contributed to economic growth over the years.

The 2,000 strong membership of Mothers’ Union in Ghana is very active in supporting the needs of local communities, whatever these may be. 

From newborns to the elderly and all ages in between, Mothers’ Union in Ghana is committed to supporting the needs of everyone in the community no matter their stage of life. Their outreach activities include:

  • Marriage preparation
  • Nursery schools
  • Prison ministry
  • Savings and credit groups
  • Vocational training
  • Hospital visitation
  • Orphan care