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Located on the west coast of Africa, Namibia is bordered by Angola, Zambia, Botswana and South Africa. A large and sparsely populated country, covered by the Kalahari desert, Namibia is the second least densely populated country in the world.

Namibia has enjoyed more than a decade of stability and the country is seeing a growth in its economy and a continually expanding tourism industry. However, like its neighbours, Namibia's wellbeing is being threatened by the HIV/Aids epidemic, which is estimated to affect 25% of Namibians.

Mothers’ Union was started in Namibia in the early 1960s and since then has grown and grown, with over 2500 members across the country now. Mothers' Union in Namibia is a vibrant organisation carrying out a wide range of activities to support family life and meet the needs within their community. These include:

  • HIV/AIDS programme
  • Prison ministry
  • Malaria prevention
  • Soup kitchens/feeding programmes
  • Sewing and handcraft projects for women
  • Orphan care programmes
  • Adult literacy
  • Confirmation classes and Sunday School
  • Campaigning against gender-based violence, human trafficking and baby-dumping