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St Albans DP Kim Wilkison

St Albans Diocesan President's Letter February 2021

February 2021

02 Feb 2021

Dear Fellow Members,                                                                                                    

I want to start this letter by sharing some wonderful personal news with you all. My daughter is going to have a baby! A little brother/sister for Albie, who was 2 this month, and definitely our last grandchild (as both my daughters have now hastened to tell me). Everyone is thrilled, even if somewhat surprised. It is so lovely to have positive news at the moment and something to look forward to later in this year.

Continuing on a positive note, our Epiphany services have been brilliant! Although the service has been the same, each Cluster has managed to personalize them to make each service unique and I have enjoyed each and every one. It has also been a joy to see so many of you there. As we get more accustomed to virtual meetings and services our confidence is growing, more members seem to be willing to ‘give it a go’ and the fellowship from attending such gatherings is uplifting. Well done to everyone who managed to attend. Those of you who have not managed to join in yet, can I encourage you to try. I’m sure that your church or a fellow member would be happy to talk you through how to take part, safely via telephone, but for those of you without a device, please do not ever feel forgotten. We always remember you, pray for you and look forward to the day when we can all join together once more physically in fellowship and love.

As I mentioned in my last letter, our March Sharing Day will have to be via Zoom. At the beginning of March, you will all receive a copy of the Spring Newsline in the post, it will include all the details plus my March letter to you all, so please keep you eyes open for it.

A member asked me the other day about their concerns over holding their Annual Branch Meeting in February. I have discussed this with Janet McKinney, our Administration and Finance Trustee and we agree that Annual Meetings do not need to be held in February. We are in very challenging times at the moment, if possible, they should be held physically when all your members can join you, so we are happy for them to be delayed until later this year. If you feel that you do want to hold it via Zoom, please make sure you record that it is a Zoom meeting, that all your members are aware of any decisions or voting that will be required prior to the meeting and that they have an opportunity to have their voices heard, even if it is in writing. All MU members are very good at finding ways to continue their work and their meetings, so I have faith you will all manage at some point during this year to have your Annual Meetings.

I would like to remind you of the various ways in which you can keep in contact with MU within the diocese and also around the world. Please remember to visit our website and our FaceBook page is a great way to share what we do with friends and family by a simple click of a button. You don’t have to join FaceBook to have a look. Midday Prayers is a wonderful way of joining the MU family around the world. Members from Canada, Nigeria, Australia, India to name just a few countries, join in and if you miss midday you can always catch up later. I have my Facebook notifications set ‘on’ and it always reminds me. I look forward to seeing some of you there.

We have got off to a flying start this year with our Cluster Epiphany services and I am looking forward to seeing you all and sharing in your stories. MU always rises to any challenge and we are certainly rising to face Covid head on. Well done to all St Albans members, through our prayers and interaction we continue to make a difference. With my continued love and prayers,

Kim x

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