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Letter from Winchester's acting Diocesan President

Diocesan President-Stella Roberts New Years letter to Mothers' Union members


29 Jan 2020

Dear Friends,

It may seem a little late to say Happy New Year but I can ask for God’s Blessing on us all as we discern what He requires of us as Mothers’ Union members in our homes, branches and parishes for this year. Thank you for the support you gave me, Lou and Gill at the Commissioning and Prayer Service in the Cathedral on 8th January by your attendance or your prayers. We were blessed to have Bishop Debbie lead us in prayer and worship that morning. It is a privilege to be your President again and to know you all hold me and the Trustees in your prayers.

This month my Branch held our Wave of Prayer Service when we lit candles as we learned about each Link and said Prayers for each one. It brought it home to members just how lovely it is to know how other members around the world are serving their communities and the Lord. Please remember to pray for National Marriage Week from 7th – 14th February and all preparing for marriage and their wedding day. I will be attending a meeting for the Diocesan Presidents of the South West Cluster Group in Exeter on 13th February.  The Trustees meet on Wednesday 26th February and the AFIA Holiday Team will hold their first meeting to discuss the holiday on Saturday 29th February. Please hold all these meetings in your prayers.

With love and blessings,

Stella Roberts

Diocesan President 

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