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Domestic Abuse Campaigning Resources 2024

This page has resources which can be used during the 16 Days of Activism, our Global Day of Activism, No More 1 in 3 campaign and also as part of the RISE UP Challenge. 

This page will be updated as new resources are created. 

Bright Sky App

The 'Bright Sky' is a free app. It provides practical support and information on how to respond to domestic abuse. It is for anyone experiencing domestic abuse, or who is worried about someone else.
Importantly, on the phone home screen, it displays as a weather app to avoid suspicion.

Bright Sky App (Ireland)

The Bright Sky app has launched in Ireland.

Holding a candlelight vigil

Help holding a candlelight vigil.

Prayers for 16 Days of Activism

A collection of 16 Days and Global Day of Action prayers and resources. 


Please be aware, this poem contains reference to sexual abuse and rape.

RISE UP Bible Study on Ruth

RISE UP Bible Study on Ruth

A Victim's Experience

Names and places have been changed to preserve anonymity. If you use this resource, please do so respectfully.

A template White Ribbon Day service

These texts are © The Anglican Church of Australia Trust Corporation and are offered for use and adaptation in and beyond the Anglican Church of Australia. Permission is given to reproduce for non-commercial purposes.

Mothers' Union work overseas

Tackling Gender Based Violence around the world.

Knitting Hearts

Instructions on how to knit the hearts for 16 Days

Behind Closed Doors

An idea for an exhibition to raise awareness around domestic abuse

How to hold a Souls of our Shoes Exhibition

A document to help if you would like to hold your own 'Souls of our Shoes' exhibition.

Silks Performance

What is a 'Silks' performance and how to perform one

Label for MU's No More 1 in 3 campaign

Download and print some labels which you can attach to ribbons and leave in public places to raise awareness of MU's No More 1 in 3 Campaign

Posters for MU's Global Day of Action

Posters for MU's Global Day of Action. There are three posters to choose from, with a blank box for you to write details about your event or service. 

RISE UP against Domestic Abuse leaflets

3 double sided RISE UP against Domestic Abuse leaflets 

16 Days Sermon for 2024

16 Days sermon for 2024: Christian response to domestic abuse