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AFIA Holiday 2020 - Winchester needs your help!

Winchester Diocese planning for AFIA Holiday 2020

05 Dec 2019

After the success of last year’s holiday and a short break, preparations for next year’s AFIA holiday are already underway. After gaining the go-ahead from our Trustees, we have made a provisional booking for Lodge Hill this summer. The team is being brought together and we are trying to recruit some new members for it. Our theme for next summer is ‘The Olympics’, and the team leaders are thinking of relevant activities.

The collection of 20ps in Smartie tubes is going well. Funds are starting to come in from other events too. However, we have a mountain to climb on the fundraising front as it costs around £400 per person per week for the holiday! Toiletries for the holiday were collected at the Brockenhurst branch’s Gift Swap & Coffee Morning recently.

We have begun to look for families who might  benefit from a holiday. Please inform your Branch Leader if you know of a potentially suitable family. Doreen Walker, our AFIA Trustee, is preparing leaflets to go out to potential sponsors. She hopes to visit as many branches as possible to give a talk on the AFIA holidays. Please contact her on 01794 651764 to arrange one.

What you can do to help?

Please keep up the fundraising.

Please pray for the holiday, and all that we need, as well as for families to come, and for the team members who have offered their services for the 2020 holiday.

We are looking for outdoor toys (new or pre-loved) such as ride-on toys, Swingball, skipping ropes, and balls, to enhance our outdoor provision. Please contact me on if you can help. We would like to express our thanks to all the branches and members, who support the holiday in so many ways.

Written by Jane Chick

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