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If a resource has a lock next to it, it means it is only available to Members and Friends. Join us to access these free resources.
2019 General Meeting - Myth Buster Resource
A selection of common myths / questions asked by Mothers' Union members with our responses.
2019 General Meeting - Worldwide President Address Powerpoint Slides
Powerpoint slides to go alongside Sheran Harper's General Meeting address. Transcript is online
2019 General Meeting - Sheran Harper Address
Transcript of Sheran's Speech from General Meeting 2019. Powerpoint slides accompanying this are available
2020 Theme: God's Word as our foundation
The Bible makes it clear that our foundation for building hope and confidence is God and his Word. Use this well known parable to reflect on what we and others choose as the foundation for our lives
2020 Theme: Prayer reflection
One of the ways we build our hope and confidence in God, in ourselves and in those we support is by using the gifts God freely gives to us.
This prayer reflection may be used as the basis for a Quiet Day, a shorter prayer activity or as separate reflections
2020 Theme: Quotes
These inspiring quotes may be used as an encouragement to worship, to strengthen faith, and to focus on God’s plans for us
2020 Theme: Prayers and Bible verses
Prayers and Bible verses on the theme of building hope and confidence
2020 Theme: Stories of change
Examples to discuss from the UK and overseas where hope and confidence in the future is being built alongside practical change
2020 Theme: Service of Thanksgiving
A Thanksgiving Service linked to the Annual Theme which can be adapted for various occasions
Mothers' Union Health and Safety Policy
Mothers' Union Health and Safety Policy updated July 2019