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Mothers' Union Wales

The Province of Wales includes the counties of Gwynedd, Clwyd, Powys, Dyfed, West, Mid and South Glamorgan and Gwent

Mae Talaith Cymru yn cynnwys siroedd Gwynedd, Clwyd, Powys, Dyfed, Gorllewin, Canol a De Morgannwg a Gwent.


Members express their faith in so many exciting ways:

  • Diocesan Retreats, Pilgrimages and Festival Services are well supported. Services are held to raise awareness of the 16 Days of Activism.
  • Hospital projects:  Fiddle aprons and Comfort cushions are produced for the elderly and Trauma Teddies for children, as well as,  items for the baby care units. Drainage bag holders are provided for a Breast Cancer Centre. Wooden crosses and prayer cards are given to Hospital Chaplains.
  • AFIA holidays:  Caravan holidays are offered for families. Llandaff’s caravan is used by many dioceses.
  • Prison work:  Members volunteer in three prisons, in South Wales and through the Angel Project enable prisoners to send Christmas Presents to their children.
  • Children and Families: Support is provided through Women’s Aid, Women Seeking Sanctuary Advocacy Group, Child Contact and Family Centres. Refugees are supported through partnerships. Food parcels are distributed to young people in hostels.
  • Wedding Fayres: Members promote Mothers’ Union by giving prayerful support and resources to couples.
  • County Shows: Mothers Union has a presence at the various County Shows as well as the Royal Welsh Agricultural Show.
  • Governing Body: A promotional stand is set up at Governing Body meetings.

Mae aelodau yn mynegi eu ffydd mewn llawer o ffyrdd cyffrous:

  • Encilfeydd, Pererindodau a Gwyliau Esgobaethol:  Mae llawer yn  mynychu’r rhain. Cynhelir gwasanaethau i godi ymwybyddiaeth o’r 16 Diwrnod o Weithredu.
  • Projectau ysbyty:  Gwneir Ffedogau Ffidlan a Chlustogau Cysur i bobl oedrannus, Tedis Trawma i blant ac eitemau ar gyfer Unedau Gofal Babanod. Rhoddir dalwyr draeniau i Ganolfan Canser y Fron yn ogystal â chroesau pren a chardiau gweddi i gaplaniaid ysbyty. 
  • Gwyliau AFIA: Cynigir gwyliau carafán i deuluoedd. Mae sawl esgobaeth yn defnyddio carafán Llandaf.
  • Gwaith Carchar: Mae aelodau yn gweithio fel gwirfoddolwyr mewn 3 charchar yn Ne Cymru. Trwy Broject yr Angel maen nhw’n galluogi’r carcharorion i anfon anrhegion Nadolig i’w plant. 
  • Plant a theuluoedd: Cynigir cefnogaeth i’r rhain trwy Cymorth i Ferched, Grŵp Eiriolaeth Merched yn Chwilio am Loches, Canolfannau Cyswllta Chanolfannau Teulu. Trwy bartneriaethau cefnogir ffoaduriaid. Rhoddir parseli bwyd i bobl ifanc mewn hosteli.
  • Ffeiriau Priodas: Mae aelodau yn rhoi cyhoeddusrwydd i Undeb y Mamau trwy roi adnoddau i barau a thrwy weddïo drostynt.
  • Sioeau Sirol:  Mae Undeb y Mamau yn cynnal stondin yn y gwahanol sioeau  sirol yn ogystal ag yn y Sioe Amaethyddol Frenhinol.
  • Y Corff Llywodraethol: Gosodir stondin sydd yn hybu gwaith  Undeb y Mamau yng nghyfarfodydd y Corff Llywodraethol. 

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Contact details

Mary Sumner House, 24 Tufton Street
United Kingdom
Primary contact: Kay Warrington
Telephone: 01639 842874

Dioceses in Wales

Showing 1-6 of 6 results
Upper Corris Machynlleth, Powys SY20 9RH
Blaenlau Street, Tonypandy CF40 1LN
19 Cromwell Road, Risca NP11 7AF
Karen Stringer c/o St David's Church Beach Road East, Llandudno LL30 3NT
83 Water Street , Carmarthanshire SA17 5BZ
The Rectory 6 Lamb Road, Aberdare CF44 9JU