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Myanmar (Burma) is located in East Asia bordered by Thailand, India, China and Bangladesh. Buddhism remains the major faith in Myanmar, with Christians only making up 6% of the population. Myanmar is a country rich in natural resources including jade, oil, and natural gas but this richness is not reflected in the lives of many of its residents. 

The gap between rich and poor in Myanmar is amongst the biggest in the world, and Myanmar ranks just 145 out of 188 countries in human development. Challenges to family life include poverty, alcoholism, displacement and a lack of education. 

Mothers’ Union in Myanmar celebrated its centenary in 2014 and continues to grow and flourish with more than 8,600 members today. 

Mothers’ Union in Myanmar is a strong, dynamic and engaged group of members reaching out to their communities. Their outreach work includes projects such as: 

  • Savings and credit groups
  • Care for the elderly
  • Vocational skill training
  • Parenting Programme
  • Orphan care programmes
  • Health awareness programmes
  • Campaigning against gender based violence