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Showing 61-68 of 68 results


We are a diverse community of Mothers' Union members, following in Mary Sumner’s footsteps, supporting families across the diocese, at home and abroad. We are committed to campaigning against social injustices that affect family life and advocate gender equality. We have around 700 members in 31...
Sandra Davison

Southwell & Nottingham

We are a passionate charity who work in many practical ways to support family life including helping families to explore and enjoy faith together.  We have over 1,000 members in a variety of forms of membership. Mothers' Union groups provide for social and pastoral needs of members, often including...

Sodor & Man

The Isle of Man is divided into two areas we call Joint Mission Partnerships. There are Mothers' Union groups -  called branches - based at churches in each Joint Mission Partnership. Our work: PRISON MINISTRY: A rota of Mothers' Union members provide a creche in the prison visiting hall, during...
Revd Jeanette Hamer
01624 877814


We belong to an active worldwide charity aiming to bring the love of God to very diverse families in a variety of ways to suit their needs. There are over 1,400 members in different branches in the diocese. These branches manage their own programmes and projects. They meet regularly to enjoy...


We are a large diocese with 1,600 members in 88 groups working in the five episcopal areas of Bradford, Huddersfield, Leeds, Wakefield and Ripon. Our vision statement is: Through the love of God and in partnership with the Church, we seek to reach out creatively and actively to support stable...
Joanna Sarkar
0113 295 0617


There are 10 branches across Europe based in France, Spain, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Malta & Gozo, Lanzarote, Finland and two in Italy.  We have 113 branch members, and 15 diocesan members who do not live near a branch but remain active.  Our Work: AFIA holidays Supporting refugees who have...
Mrs Tonie Chandler
0033 (0)2 33 74 53 88
