Template for prayer
A template for prayer which can be adapted for specific contexts and initiatives. Materials from the different steps to prayer and other ideas can be used, or your own resources.
Step 1 Bible verses & quotes on prayer
Use these verses and quotes to encourage and build up faith as you pray
Step 2 prayers
You may like to choose one of these prayers as an encouragement and to “set the scene” at the beginning of a prayer time
Step 3 creative ideas for prayer
Try using creative ways of prayer as part of your group prayer times. These are some general ideas and some for specific projects and activities which can be adapted for various contexts. You can also use and develop your own ideas
Step 4 blessings
Some blessings you could use to end your prayer time. You may like to expand the blessing to reflect the specific work for which you have been praying
Using the Lord's Prayer
As you pray for each other, your projects and initiatives, try basing your intercessions on the prayer Jesus taught his disciples when they asked him how they should pray
Praying in steps
It’s not always easy to have faith for what seems to us to be big answers to prayer. A helpful way to pray, then, is to do so in “steps of faith”
Prayers for projects & initiatives
These prayers focus on specific aspects of Mothers’ Union mission. You can adapt them to suit your specific situation or style of praying
Lord teach us to pray reflection
You may like to use this resource for personal reflection or a group time of encouragement to prepare for supporting an initiative in prayer
Bible reflection on prayer
A reflection for groups or personal use on being persistent in prayer
ABC of prayer for MU@home
A prayer template for members of MU@home, whether permanently housebound or unable though circumstances to join with prayer groups